Menu C. Hill. The Hotel and the Mosque: The Middle East and the World Economy. 22 p. C. Hill. The Hotel and the Mosque: The Middle East and the World Economy. 22 p.

Archief Archiefcollectie Mont Pèlerin Society (archief nr. 29)
Rubriek 29th Meeting | Vancouver, Canada, August 30-September 4, 1992
“Relations Among Nations at the End of the Century”

29.1. Programme and papers
Verzamelbeschrijving 29.1.5. August 31 | Topic: Major Problem Areas in Transition to a World Econo­my | Session 3: The Integration of the Middle East into the World Economy (chairman B. Shenfield), 31.8.1992 C. Hill. The Hotel and the Mosque: The Middle East and the World Economy. 22 p.
Datering 31.8.1992
Toegang Archiefcollectie Mont Pèlerin Society. Inventaris.
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