Menu P. Bernholz. Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for a Viable Democracy. 17 p. P. Bernholz. Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for a Viable Democracy. 17 p.

Archief Archiefcollectie Mont Pèlerin Society (archief nr. 29)
Rubriek 31st Meeting | Vienna, Austria, September 8-13, 1996
“Ideas and Change in the Modern World”

31.1. Programme and papers
Verzamelbeschrijving 31.1.8 September 10 | Session 2.3. Democracy, Economic Progress and Individual Responsability (chairman C. de Bolivar), 10.9.1996 P. Bernholz. Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for a Viable Democracy. 17 p.
Datering 10.9.1996
Toegang Archiefcollectie Mont Pèlerin Society. Inventaris.
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